Directory of Educational Resources



Directory of Educational Resources
in Edmonton and Northern Alberta

This Directory is designed to serve as a general guide to various educational programs and services in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. It does not endorse any of the listed programs and services.

English as a Second Language – Read/ Write CL Class - Low intermediate

Intended to teach speaking and listening to new Canadians
Institution: Leduc Adult Learning
Minimum CLB Level: Various Levels
Full or Part Time: Part-time
Funded: No

High School Academic Upgrading

Academic Upgrading
High school (Grade 10-12) academic courses preparing students for post-secondary studies. Special attention is given to improving ESL students' academic performance.
Institution: Solomon College
Minimum CLB Level: 6
Full or Part Time: Full-time
Funded: No

GED & Employment Preparation course

Academic Upgrading

Careers in Transition can help you to obtain your GED by supporting you while you participate in a 20 week GED prep program where you will obtain the knowledge and skills to be successful on all five tests. Careers in Transition is the only provider in the Edmonton and surrounding area that offers GED prep in a five-month time frame, as well as full-time GED prep.

Institution: Careers in Transition (CIT)
Minimum CLB Level: 8
Full or Part Time: Full-time
Funded: Yes

Community English Classes at Tri-Community Adult Learning Association

Community ESL Classes

This is a fun and interactive class for all levels of English. Learn and practice English to improve confidence and skills in speaking, writing, and reading.

Institution: Tri-Community Adult Learning Association
Minimum CLB Level: Various Levels
Full or Part Time: Part-time
Funded: No

Tutoring Program at Tri-Community Adult Learning Association

Community ESL Classes

This is a one-on-one or small learning group tutoring program to improve literacy, English language, and numeracy skills for adults.

Institution: Tri-Community Adult Learning Association
Minimum CLB Level: Various Levels
Full or Part Time: Part-time
Funded: Yes

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If you represent an accredited educational insitution or non-profit organization and would like to have your programs added to the Directory, please contact 

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