Directory of Educational Resources



Directory of Educational Resources
in Edmonton and Northern Alberta

This Directory is designed to serve as a general guide to various educational programs and services in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. It does not endorse any of the listed programs and services.

Community Adult Learning Program – CALP

Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)

The Basic English Language Learning and Pre-Upgrading English Language Arts class focuses on listening, speaking, reading, writing, textual analysis, and dialogue skills. Learners coming from basic ELL classes, or those with interrupted learning, enjoy more challenging non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and drama. In addition to expanding their vocabulary and practicing verbal skills, they learn how to interpret and analyze literature with textual support and expand their writing skills from sentences through to simple essays. These classes enrich adult literacy and prepare learners for college upgrading.

Institution: Keyano College
Minimum CLB Level: Various Levels
Full or Part Time: N/A
Funded: Yes

ELL Foundational Reading and Writing at Keyano College

Community Literacy Classes

The English Language Learning class focuses on three levels pertaining to reading and writing. Level 1: parts of speech, building up to parts of a sentence and sentence construction, types of sentences and sentence fragments, punctuation, tense, vocabulary, spelling, contractions, possessive forms. Level 2: Paragraph structure, preparing for formal writing, students participate in group and individual essay writing. Level 3: Writing with a purpose – filling out forms, extracting information from forms, emails, letters (business communication, formal/informal, cover letter, resume).

Institution: Keyano College
Minimum CLB Level: Various Levels
Full or Part Time: N/A
Funded: Yes

Academic Foundations

Academic Upgrading

The Academic Foundations program helps adult students gain the foundational skills they need in the areas of English language arts and mathematics. Upon completion, students may continue into Grade 10, 11, or 12 courses in the College Preparation program, qualify for admission into Career or Trades programs, or enter the workforce.

Institution: Keyano College
Minimum CLB Level: 5
Full or Part Time: N/A
Funded: Yes

College and Career Preparation

Academic Upgrading

The program consists of selected subjects and skill development at the Grade 10, 11, and 12 equivalency levels. Courses offered are Alberta Education equivalent courses. Prospective students may enroll in this program to upgrade a specific high school course in order to meet admission requirements for a post-secondary program. Students without a high school diploma may choose this program in order to achieve a Keyano College High School Equivalency Diploma.

Institution: Keyano College
Minimum CLB Level: 5
Full or Part Time: N/A
Funded: Yes

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Academic Upgrading

The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program will provide learners English language instruction for pursuing further academic study in Canadian post-secondary institutions. The focus will be on strengthening reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, and developing research and academic study skills. Attention will also be given to a four-skills approach to language learning based in the grammatical, functional, textual, and strategic competency elements of academic English.

Institution: Keyano College
Minimum CLB Level: 4
Full or Part Time: Full-time
Funded: Yes

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